ADVANCE infectious diseases pharmacy through collaboration, research and education and LEAD antimicrobial stewardship to OPTIMIZE the care of patients with infections in every practice setting

Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency and Fellowship Awards

The Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) supports development and/or expansion of new advanced training opportunities for pharmacists committed to Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy. 

Please see below for more details and application instructions for residency and fellowship awards.

Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency Award


The Board of Directors of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) is pleased to announce the availability of funding for one Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency for the period of July 2025 through June 2026. The intent of this funding is to foster the development and/or expansion of new advanced training opportunities for pharmacists committed to the practice area of infectious diseases pharmacotherapy.

Applications will be considered from programs developing a new infectious diseases specialty training program in 2025 or established programs expanding the number of available infectious diseases resident positions.

Access Online Application


SIDP will provide funding to support resident salary for one year plus fringe benefits, participation in the SIDP Antimicrobial Stewardship Certificate Program, and attendance at the SIDP live Business Meeting at IDWeek™. The total grant is not to exceed $75,000 and up to $2,000 may be used for travel expenses to the SIDP Business Meeting. The program will be responsible for expenses exceeding the grant amount.


Proposals must be submitted no later than 5 PM E.D.T. on Monday, August 5, 2024Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered. 


The Board of Directors will make decisions on the applications no later than September 6, 2024.

Application Process

Applications should be entered online using the resident award application form (above). The RPD cover letter, two (2) letters of support, and curriculum vitaes (up to 4) should be converted to a single PDF file and uploaded. Other information will be directly inserted on the web form. 

Applicants are encouraged to refer to the ASHP Educational Outcomes, Goals, and Objectives for Postgraduate Year Two (PGY2) Pharmacy Residencies in Infectious Diseases. These guidelines were prepared by ASHP, in collaboration with ACCP and SIDP, and endorsed by the SIDP Board of Directors. SIDP supports the utility of the ASHP Educational Outcomes, Goals, and Objectives for PGY2 Pharmacy Residencies in Infectious Diseases for any residency funded by SIDP. SIDP also requests grant awardees to seek ASHP accreditation for applicants applying for a new program.

Required Elements for Application

  1. A cover letter for the application from the proposed residency director. The letter should include the following components: rationale for development of a new program or expansion of a new position, preceptor and institution qualifications, and program goals. The letter should be limited to a maximum of 3 pages.

  2. A letter of support from Director of Pharmacy Services or administrative equivalent at the primary facility where residency training will occur. This letter of support should also include administrative commitment to a plan for ID residency support following SIDP funding year and statement supportive of the program ultimately seeking ASHP accreditation.

  3. A letter of support from a key stakeholder physician (e.g., Chief of Infectious Diseases or antimicrobial stewardship physician) who will work with the resident during the training program.

  4. A current curriculum vitae for the program director and for up to three additional individuals who will serve as preceptors during the training experience.

  5. A description of the institution where primary training will occur. It is recommended to include a description of the following: pharmacy department structure; pharmacy practice model; infectious diseases services infrastructure; service lines/patient population. Responses should be limited to 500 words or less.

  6. A description of resident opportunities in teaching/academics, research and professional/community service. Responses should be limited to 750 words or less.

  7. A description of rotation experiences. Responses should be limited to 500 words or less.

Application Criteria and Eligibility

Residency Program Director/Primary Preceptor:

  1. Is an Active member of SIDP at the time of application and not currently serving on the Board of Directors.
  2. Has completed advanced training in ID pharmacotherapy (PGY2 residency or fellowship) or has at least 3 years of experience as an active clinical practitioner or researcher in ID pharmacotherapy, and has attained BCIDP.
  3. Has experience in precepting or directing postgraduate training for at least 3 years.
  4. Demonstrates commitment to further development of the ID residency with ongoing institutional support after SIDP funding period.
  5. RPD and preceptor qualifications evaluated include clinical service, precepting experience, scholarship, and service to the profession.

  6. SIDP members who have received an SIDP Residency Grant award as Residency Director in the past, institutions who have received an SIDP Residency or Fellowship Grant award in the past five years, and current members of the SIDP Board of Directors are ineligible for these awards.


  1. Is capable of providing a full range of training experiences that may include inpatient care, outpatient care, antimicrobial stewardship, pediatrics, HIV, microbiology laboratory, infection control, telemedicine, and a longitudinal experience. Antimicrobial stewardship need not be the focus of a program, but should be an important element. Please describe training experiences in relation to the patient population and resources of the institution. Institutions in rural areas and/or of socioeconomic disadvantage are strongly encouraged to apply.
  2. Has administrative support of the residency training program as indicated in an accompanying letter of support. The administrative support should indicate commitment to a plan for a sustainable, institution-supported ID residency following SIDP funding year (i.e., the program will sustain beyond 1 year).
  3. Has adequate space and resources identified to support resident training.
  4. Has existing infrastructure to support a specialty training program.
  5. Has not received an SIDP Residency or Fellowship Award in the past five years.

  6. Institutional environment factors including pharmacy practice model, multidisciplinary collaboration including infectious diseases or other key stakeholder physicians, and patient populations served.

Residency Candidate:

  1. Possesses a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an ACPE-accredited school or college of pharmacy.
  2. Has completed a PGY1 Residency, is currently in training in a PGY1 residency program that will be completed before the start of this program, or has equivalent pharmacy practice experience (e.g. ~3 years practice experience).

Residency Program:

  1. Follows the guidance of the ASHP Accreditation Standard for PGY2 Pharmacy Residency Programs. 
  2. Program characteristics, including clinical rotation experiences, opportunities in teaching, research, service, and trainee’s role in antimicrobial stewardship program should be described.

Terms and Conditions

Members who are awarded funding must send a copy of the letter of acceptance from the resident, the resident's CV, and proof of PGY1 residency training to Shelley Warnock ( no later than May 1, 2025 or the award will be rescinded. A midpoint and final report of the resident’s activities (e.g., rotations including stewardship activities, key presentations, longitudinal research) will be also required.


Questions regarding submission may be submitted to the SIDP Office at 

Printable RFP

The following awards are not being offered at this time:


    The intent of this funding is to foster the development and/or expansion of new advanced training opportunities for pharmacists committed to research in infectious diseases pharmacotherapy. Applications will only be considered from fellowship programs developing a new infectious diseases specialty research training program or established programs expanding the number of available infectious diseases fellowship positions.


    SIDP will provide funding to support the fellow salary for one year plus fringe benefits and will include $1,500 travel support to attend the SIDP live Business Meeting at IDWeek™ (total award not to exceed $75,000). The program will be responsible for any additional funding required to support resident salary plus fringe benefits.


    We are not currently soliciting proposals for this award. No Fellowship Awards will be offered in 2023 for 2024-25.

    Application Process

    Applications should be entered online using the Fellowship award application form (above). The Fellowship Director cover letter, two (2) letters of support and curriculum vitas (up to 4) should be converted to a single PDF file and uploaded. Other information will be directly inserted on the web form.

    For fellows, applicants are encouraged to refer to the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Guidelines for Research Fellowship Training Programs.

    Required Elements for Application

    1. A letter of application from individual who will serve as Fellowship director. The letter should include the following components: rationale for development of a new program or expansion of a new position, preceptor and institution qualifications, and program goals. The letter should be limited to a 2 page maximum.
    2. A letter of support from Department Chair or administrative equivalent at the primary facility where fellowship training will occur.
    3. A letter of support from any key stakeholder research collaborators who will work with the fellowship during the training program. This can include collaborators from separate institutions.
    4. A current curriculum vitae for the Fellowship director and for up to three additional individuals who will serve as research and/or career mentors during the training experience.
    5. A description of the institution where primary training will occur. It is recommended to include a description of the following: academic department structure; institutional resources, infectious diseases services infrastructure; educational resources. Responses should be limited to 500 words or less.
    6. A description of Fellow opportunities in teaching/academics, research and professional/community service. Responses should be limited to 750 words or less.
    7. A description of research experiences. Responses should be limited to 500 words or less.

    Application Criteria and Eligibility

    Fellowship Director
    1. Is a Full Member of SIDP at the time of application and not currently serving on the Board of Directors.
    2. Has completed advanced training in ID pharmacotherapy (PGY2 residency or fellowship) or has at least 3 years of experience as an active researcher in ID pharmacotherapy.
    3. Has experience in precepting or directing postgraduate training.
    4. Demonstrates commitment to further development of the ID fellowship.
    5. Fellowship director qualifications evaluated include mentoring experience, scholarship, and service to the profession.


    1. Is capable of providing a robust range of research and educational training experiences.
    2. Has adequate space and resources identified to support fellowship training.
    3. Has existing infrastructure to support a research program.
    4. Has not received an SIDP Residency or Fellowship Award in the past 3 years.
    5. Institutional environment factors including multidisciplinary collaboration, including infectious diseases or other key stakeholder collaborators, patient impact, and commitment to diversity

    Fellowship Candidate:

    1. Possesses a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an ACPE-accredited college of pharmacy.
    2. Has completed a PGY1 Residency, is currently in training in a PGY1 residency program that will be completed before the start of this program, or has equivalent pharmacy practice experience.

    Fellowship Program:

    1. Follows the guidance of the ACC guidelines for research fellowship training available at: American College of Clinical Pharmacy Guidelines for Research Fellowship Training Programs.
    2. Program characteristics including research experiences, mentoring and collaboration, opportunities in teaching, and professional service.

    SIDP members who have received an SIDP Residency Award as Residency Director in the past, institutions who have received an SIDP Residency or Fellowship Award in the past three years, and current members of the SIDP Board of Directors are ineligible for these awards.

    Terms and Conditions

    Members awarded funding must send a copy of the letter of acceptance from the Fellow plus CV and proof of PGY1 residency training or summary of pharmacy practice experiences of the resident applicant to SIDP Headquarters. A midpoint and final report of the fellow’s activities will be also required.

2023 Award Winners

ID Pharmacotherapy Residency Award 

PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency

Texas Children's Hospital

Houston, TX

Director: Grant T. Stimes, Pharm.D., MPA, BCPS, BCIDP

ID Pharmacotherapy Residency Award 

PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency

Tampa General Hospital

Tampa, FL

Director: Nicholas Piccicacco, Pharm.D., BCIDP, AAHIVP

2022 Award Winner

ID Pharmacotherapy Residency Award 

PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Memphis, TN

Director: Ted Morton, Pharm.D., BCIDP

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